Congratulations, Coach Bielicke, VPSD's Teacher Proud Tuesday award winner! Coach Bielicke is one of our VPMS PE teachers and received many nominations.
"Mr. Bielicke is a great teacher because he will always be here for me."
"Mr. B is always positive. He cheers everyone up and always gives good advice. He puts a smile on my face when I walk into the gym and you never see him mad and even if he is he hides it well."
"To keep it short, he is the best teacher!"
"Mr. Bielicke has been at Valley Park for as long as I can remember. He still to this day has the mentality to put a smile on kids faces and encourage them to try new things. You can always find him in the gym socializing with other teachers, students, and even engaging with them. He is always willing to join in the games during PE, and tries to make the experience for all an amazing time. Mr. Bielicke is a true leader in making sure his students are healthy and set ourselves up for success."
Thank you, Coach Bielicke for being such an amazing example to our students! You make such a difference each day. On the second Tuesday of each month, Missouri school districts will recognize a Teacher Proud Tuesday honoree for making a difference in the lives of students. #VPPride #TPT