fashion design

Fashion design classes for high schoolers go far beyond teaching about clothes—they open doors to creativity and practical skills. Fashion Design is a great addition to the Family and Consumer Science curriculum.

Fashion design allows students to express their individuality. Through experimenting with styles, colors, and fabrics, students learn to showcase their creativity and develop a unique sense of style. This exploration promotes self-confidence and a strong sense of personal identity.

“I think Fashion Design I is important because most students who take the class have never threaded a needle much less created something out of fabric from start to finish. Watching each student's growth from the beginning of the semester to the end where they make a pair of pajama pants is so very motivating to me as an educator.” said Mrs. Ruth Koehr, Family and Consumer Science teacher. “Sewing is an important life skill as well as an employable skill that can help students get jobs. Many companies and small businesses are looking to hire people who can sew and they have a hard time finding employees who have that skill set. This class helps students to be equipped with skills for success after high school even if they don't pursue a career in fashion. Learning to measure as well as follow directions are necessary throughout this course and in life.”

In Fashion I students have to overcome obstacles, set goals for production and meet deadlines. Students make mistakes and have to work through the process of taking something apart to redo and make it right. It is difficult to get students to take the time and energy to redo something they did already, but the students feel so proud of themselves when they are done! Fashion I gives students an opportunity to explore their creative side and determine if they want to pursue fashion as a career or to simply use sewing as something that brings them joy by creating things for themselves or others. “These projects improved my sewing technique. It made me happy knowing that I accomplished a lot of this on my own. It made me feel proud of my sewing skills which i didn’t know I enjoyed until recently when I started taking this class. I’m so glad that I did a good job, despite all the struggles and obstacles I encountered along the way. I love my tote bag,” said Fashion Design I student, Mariangel Rojas.

Next semester, VPHS will be adding Fashion Design II. “This was an important next step to our curriculum to give students who identify career aspirations in fashion, design or construction the opportunity to grow and learn the next steps on that journey,” explained Mrs. Koehr. “Fashion II provides students with a deeper understanding of textile application and construction. Students will utilize advanced garment construction techniques and expand applied textile knowledge. Adding Fashion II gives students who have an interest in textiles and fashion the opportunity to expand their knowledge and to connect them with a career.”

In the end, fashion design isn’t just about clothes—it’s a blend of art, science, and business that shapes well-rounded, confident, and skilled students ready to face the future. Whether they pursue fashion or not, these students gain insights and tangible skills that last a lifetime.

Click the photo to see pics from some Fashion Design I Classes.
tote bag