Mrs. Greenhaw TPT

Congratulations, Mrs. Greenhaw, VPSD's Teacher Proud Tuesday award winner! Mrs. Greenhaw is one of our VPES Kindergarten teachers and received many nominations.  

"She has made it fun for our boy, who is nervous about everything! He loves his teacher and my wife and I love hearing from him about what he learned today!"

"My son is her student and he mentions everyday that she's very kind and patient and he's excited to go to school everyday. As a parent, I think she's doing a great job!"

"I just want to take a moment to recognize the work of our daughter's awesome kindergarten teacher. She is warm and patient and has a passion for teaching. She creates such a positive and nurturing environment for her. Thank you Mrs. Greenhaw!"

Thank you, Mrs. Greenhaw for being such a fantastic teacher to our kindergarteners! You make such a difference each day. On the second Tuesday of each month, Missouri school districts will recognize a Teacher Proud Tuesday honoree for making a difference in the lives of students.  #VPPride #TPT