Jocelyn Chemistry and Harvard PD

Jocelyn Puett, VPHS science teacher, recently participated in an in-depth professional development experience through the Harvard Science and Cooking Program, in partnership with BiteScized Science. This innovative program focuses on making complex science concepts accessible and engaging by using food and cooking as teaching tools.

“I first heard about this program at the National Science Teacher Association conference in Denver this past March,” Puett shared. “I had received a grant to attend the conference. Harvard and BiteScized are in their second year of implementing the Science and Cooking program for K-12 teachers, and their mission is to make these lessons as accessible as possible for teachers and students. The professional development program is free to attend—all I needed to cover was travel and accommodation costs. In return, participants provide feedback and student data from the food science lessons they implement.”

As one of sixteen high school teachers in the cohort, Puett spent two weeks immersed in curriculum development. “The first week was on Harvard’s campus, where we worked through existing lessons and collaborated on new ones in a hands-on laboratory setting,” she explained. “The second week involved virtual meetings and asynchronous work to develop our implementation plans for the school year. Throughout the year, we meet twice a month to check in on our progress and discuss upcoming lessons.”

This experience has transformed Mrs. Puett’s approach to teaching chemistry. “We’ve done so many more hands-on lab activities, and I’m seeing a change in how the students relate to chemistry concepts and standards,” she noted. “For example, instead of just learning about atoms in isolation, students are now connecting atomic structure to real-world applications, like the role of electrolytes in sports drinks such as Gatorade and evaluating their health benefits.”

She encourages other science teachers to explore the program by visiting BiteScized Science’s website: “BiteScized publishes individual lessons on their website and on Teachers Pay Teachers at low or no cost. They also offer opportunities for middle and high school teachers to join the next summer cohort, with applications opening in the spring. Teachers can join their email list for updates on new lessons and application openings.”

This is yet another example of how limitless learning happens every day at Valley Park School District.

Check out the photos below from the Honors Chemistry Lab, where students tested various substances like Celsius, Powerade, water, and apple juice for their properties, including conductivity, pH, odor, appearance, and mineral content.
honors chemistry