Mrs. Robards Teacher Proud Tuesday Awardee

Congratulations, Mrs. Robards, VPSD's September Teacher Proud Tuesday award winner! Mrs. Robards teaches Science and Leadership at VPHS. Here are what the nominations said... “I am nominating Mrs. Robards because she is always there to let you grow as a leader and as a person. She creates an environment that is supportive and fun. Mrs. Robards is always willing to step back and let you try new things on your own and let you reflect and use it as a growing opportunity. I'm enrolled in her Leadership Class this year and Mrs. Robards has already given me opportunities to grow as a leader. She is always there to support you regardless of whether it's school-related and she is kind and compassionate. To me, she is the definition of a servant leader. I'm grateful that Mrs. Robards is a part of Valley Park School District." "She encourages me to be my best." "I am nominating Mrs. Robards because I feel that the way she teachers she works for everyone. She is always kind and helping others. She always makes sure we get our work done even when she has to help us with many steps because we don't understand it. She is funny and gives us lessons that keep us awake and engaged in the activity. " "I am nominating this teacher because she is one of the best teachers I have ever had. Mrs. Robards teaches with a lot of passion and truly does her best to be creative with lessons. She cares about her students more than anything and always makes sure to put them first. She is a lot of fun to be around and has a very contagious smile. Overall she is a wonderful teacher and Valley Park is lucky to have her." On the second Tuesday of each month, Missouri school districts will recognize a Teacher Proud Tuesday honoree for making a difference in the lives of students. Stay tuned for more!