Mrs. Kaiser, Teacher Proud Tuesday Award Winner

Congratulations, Mrs. Kaiser, VPSD's Teacher Proud Tuesday award winner! Mrs. Kaiser is our K-8 Gifted Teacher and received several nominations. 

"I am nominating Mrs. Kaiser for Teacher Proud Tuesday. I believe that she should be nominated because of how fun she is. When I had her for gifted through elementary and middle school, should would always find a way to make class fun. There was never a day that I didn't enjoy class. She is also super nice to everyone and is always willing to listen and care for her students. This is why she should be nominated for Teacher Proud Tuesday."

"She is such a positive role model for the kids. They really know they can be honest and real with her, and that she genuinely cares about them as human beings. Her teaching is innovative and engaging. My daughters have both come home with rave reviews of Mrs. Kaiser and every time we have interacted she has been EXCITED about her students and their progress, simply because she wants the very best for each and every one of them."

"Kelly is an absolutely incredible teacher and role model for my girls. She is the most perfect teacher for the gifted program. Kelly helps all of her students explore their strengths and really challenge themselves."

Thank you, Mrs. Kaiser for being such a great teacher to our VPSD students! You make such a difference each day.

On the second Tuesday of each month, Missouri school districts will recognize a Teacher Proud Tuesday honoree for making a difference in the lives of students.  #VPPride #TPT